Friday, June 6, 2014

Leos are likely to be 90% optimistic.  But if one was to receive an insufficient amount of attention or praises they are more likely to become depressed and lacking in enthusiasm.  Leos need their ego to be stroked constantly it’s their motivation.  Once the ego has been busted, their prides are torn this is because Leos tend to wear their heart on their sleeves.  Recovery time is rather quick! Leos are quick at forgiving and definitely quick to anger, if pushed hard the anger can go from zero to a hundred in seconds.  Even if the Leo forgives the person they will never forget the situation or how it made them feel.  Leos love their privacy so don’t take them not sharing certain information as lies or secrets; they just believe that certain information should be kept away from certain people; which can lead others to believe that there may be some deception going on.  If your Leo trusts you, they will let you in but if they aren't comfortable around you, then you would be held at a distance. 

Leos are known to be altruistic and warm-hearted.  They are fond of children and animals.  You can almost find a Leo donating to a charity or cause if they have extra money.   Leo zodiac sign is known for bravery and heroism.  It is an inborn trait to be caring and protective, even if they do not want to; if they see someone in need or help they will find a way to come with a resolution for the issue at hand. 

No two Leos are identical.  All may carry the same traits but view things differently which often causes confusions and miscommunication especially when conversing among each other.  One thing for sure is Leos are very passionate and sensual people.  If it is something that they are obsessive with it is hard to change their minds.  A Leo will become so ferociously protective of their children, lovers, and friends and family that they will fight till the death so don’t over step your boundaries.  Most Leos can also become defensive, argumentative, and domineering yet other Leos choose to pick their battles more wisely, this is because Leos react to situations with such emotions that they can say or act in a way they regret for a while. Depending on the extent of the incident that regret can linger into the Leos mind anywhere from days, weeks, months even years.

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